Monday, November 06 2023
News for Monday, November 06 2023
Want to reduce the bra bulge? Try 8 exercises to trim back fat - Health shots

If getting a fabulous body is your goal, it is essential to remember that a workout routine is absolutely necessary. While shedding fat from certain body areas is easy, targeting back flab can be cha… [+3799 chars]
14 pct of Americans suffered from long COVID: study - Xinhua
by Xuguang Sui LOS ANGELES, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Approximately 14 percent of the U.S. population suffered from long COVID at some point, according to a research article published in the journal PLOS … [+1961 chars]
5 yogasanas to empower your breast health - Mint Lounge

It is high time for breast health to take the front seat in conversations surrounding womens health. For, breast cancer, which used to be a concern mainly for women in their 40s is the most common ty… [+4582 chars]
Double Take: How Twins Are Unlocking the Molecular Mysteries of Obesity - SciTechDaily

ByWashington State UniversityNovember 4, 2023 Washington State University researchers have found an epigenetic signature in the cheek cells of obese twins that differs from their non-obese siblings,… [+3999 chars]
Neurological issues on the rise among dengue patients: Docs - Times of India

Parineeti, Kiara, Katrina and others embrace tradition as they celebrate Karwa Chauth
Understanding the DUPLEX Trial and Sparsentan in FSGS, with Michelle Rheault, MD - MD Magazine

Although most forms of glomerular disease are associated with a significant impact on long-term prognosis and quality of life, few place the same burden on patients as focal segmental glomerulosclero… [+6050 chars]
Flu alert: ‘Stay guarded’ - Bangalore Mirror

City doctors see significant surge in flu cases; they say symptoms may include nasal congestion and cough for upper respiratory tract infectionsFlu activity is on the rise in Bengaluru. City hospital… [+3992 chars]
What Are We Still Learning About Ancient Pathogens and Diseases? - Technology Networks

Paleopathology, paleovirology and molecular biology are helping to shed light on the complex history of ancient pathogens and diseases. These efforts are supported by sophisticated techniques, such a… [+7096 chars]
药学院叶新山团队在复杂药用植物多糖合成及活性研究方面取得重要进展 - 生物通
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Effective exercises that help regulate menstrual cycle naturally - IndiaTimes
Yoga is known for its holistic approach to health, and it can be particularly beneficial in regulating menstruation. Specific yoga poses like the Cobra, Child's Pose, and the Butterfly pose can stimu… [+170 chars]
Chromatin Architecture of Treg Cells May Offer Target for Immunosuppressive Therapies - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Understanding how regulatory T cells (Tregs) develop and work is key to determining how they might be manipulated to encourage the destruction of cancer cells or prevent autoimmunity. Cell behavior i… [+8116 chars]
Lack of enough deep sleep may increase risk of dementia, says new study - Sportskeeda

A new study at the Monash University in Melbourne, Australia revealed shocking data on the connection between deep sleep and the risk of dementia. Data was collected from 346 participants over the a… [+3447 chars]
Planning to get pregnant? Prepare your body through these exercises - IndiaTimes
Doing regular cardio is helpful in keeping you fit, especially if you are planning to get pregnant. The reason: During pregnancy, the expectant mother's blood volume increases by 45 percent, heart ra… [+464 chars]
Are the benefits of a cold shower worth the potential risks? - New York Post

Most of us have experienced that moment of shock when the hot water runs out mid-shampoo but many experts claim the benefits of a frigid shower are worth the unpleasant jolt. For those who arent qui… [+5549 chars]
The #1 Whole Grain for Weight Loss, Recommended by Dietitians - EatingWell
Pasta, rice, corn, bread and potatoes often get the boot when weight loss is the goal. The first thing many people do when they try to lose weight is cut carbs; the food group that often gets removed… [+7950 chars]
Moderate coffee and tea intake linked to lower risk of cognitive decline - PsyPost

Drinking moderate amounts of coffee or tea can decrease the risk of cognitive disorders such as dementia, according to a recent study published in Nutrition Reviews. Aged-related cognitive disorders… [+4659 chars]
Improving deep sleep may lower dementia risk and online shopping for groceries can impact you eating habits. How to make sense of this week's health headlines. - Yahoo Life
Theres so much health and wellness news out there. Here are some of this weeks health headlines and what you can take away from them to improve your health. Improving deep sleep may lower your demen… [+4051 chars]
Seeds for breakfast - NewsBytes

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For the past few years, increased levels of pollution has become a regular menace in Delhi and NCR. Burning of firecrackers and stubble, dust from construction and last but not the least, smoke from … [+3493 chars]