Thursday, October 12 2023
News for Thursday, October 12 2023
New magnetoelectric material bridges gap in severed nerve, restores function - News-Medical.Net

Researchers have long recognized the therapeutic potential of using magnetoelectrics ⎯ materials that can turn magnetic fields into electric fields ⎯ to stimulate neural tissue in a minimally invasiv… [+5381 chars]
Bird flu thing of past? Scientists achieve major breakthrough with gene-editing - WION

Scientists have used gene-editing technology to develop chickens with increased resistance to avian influenza. The research, published in Nature Communications, underscores genetic engineering as a p… [+2025 chars]
Deadly bird flu reappears in US commercial poultry flocks - Hindustan Times
Highly pathogenic bird flu has made its first appearances in US commercial poultry flocks this season, affecting one turkey farm in South Dakota and one in Utah and raising concerns that more outbrea… [+3493 chars]
Contagious cancers discovered in shellfish — shock reveal could change the way disease treated in humans: study - New York Post

Scientists have discovered that cancers have been spreading for centuries among shellfish a revolutionary reveal that could change the way cancer is treated. According to a study recently published … [+3355 chars]
Stress-induced ribosome dysregulation may underlie depression - News-Medical.Net

A group of ribosomal protein genes connects animal models of depression to human patients with major depressive disorder. In order to research depression treatments, scientists use a mouse model, ind… [+1655 chars]
Empathy, Support Are Crucial to Help Patients With Methamphetamine-Related Pulmonary Hypertension - Managed Markets Network

A session about methamphetamines began with a warning for the crowd of pulmonologists gathered at the CHEST Annual Meeting 2023: If you do pulmonary hypertension and this hasnt impacted you, just wai… [+6944 chars]
Mental health problems may lead to obesity, other health problems for Latinx teens - News-Medical.Net

Latinx kids who experienced depression, anxiety or other mental health issues in middle school had a greater chance of developing sleep problems, unhealthy weight gain and sedentary behavior in high … [+3870 chars]
Stroke could cause nearly 10 million deaths per year by 2050, report says - CNN

The number of people who die from stroke worldwide will jump 50% by 2050 if no significant action is taken to limit the prevalence of stroke and its risk factors, according to a new report from the W… [+4107 chars]
$200m more for Jamaica's dengue fight | News - Jamaica Gleaner

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has announced approximately $200 million more to tackle Jamaica's dengue outbreak. He gave the update in Parliament on Tuesday. Holness says $70 million will go toward… [+1074 chars]
Ultra-processed foods, from pastries to decaf coffee, can harm your health. Here's how to cut back. - Yahoo Life
Ultra-processed foods, such as pastries and sweetened breakfast cereals, are popular for a reason. Theyre convenient and accessible and theres a sense of familiarity and reliability with them, says A… [+8378 chars]
我国学者在肠-脑轴神经调控环路研究领域取得进展 - 生物通
-- 32225020£-·ý--Microbiota-gut-brain axis drives overeating disorders2023103?(Cell Metabolism) overeating disordersODsODs· ºODsODsODsc-Fosnucleus of the … [+144 chars]
Skin cancer: Why deaths from non-melanoma variety are on the rise - Medical News Today

Non-melanoma skin cancers accounted for more deaths worldwide than melanoma because they are much more common.The growing aging population could be one reason skin cancer rates are i… [+6945 chars]
Protein Deficiency Reveals Evidence Fragile X Develops Before Birth - Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers shifted the paradigm around Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the leading form of inherited intellectual disability, by uncovering its developmental origins pre-birth through the role of… [+8573 chars]
Older Hispanic people are ‘disproportionately more likely’ than older White people to develop Alzheimer’s, research shows - CNN

Older Hispanic adults in the US are about one and a half times more likely to have Alzheimers or other dementias than their White peers, according to the Alzheimers Associations annual special report… [+2552 chars]
Confirmed case of measles in Milwaukee - WISN Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE —The Milwaukee Health Department says they have a confirmed case of measles in a city resident employed in Waukesha County. They add that the individual took necessary precautions after s… [+2184 chars]
Deadly bird flu reappears in US commercial poultry flocks in Utah and South Dakota - ABC News

MINNEAPOLIS -- Highly pathogenic bird flu has made its first appearances in U.S. commercial poultry flocks this season, affecting one turkey farm in South Dakota and one in Utah and raising concerns … [+3375 chars]